Cancer has been one of the most polarizing causes of death around the world. In 2017, it is estimated that in the USA alone there are 1,688,780 new cancer cases and 600,920 cancer deaths. Next to heart diseases, cancer is the most common cause of death in the USA. This accounts for roughly 1 in every four deaths. Although men have the highest prevalence rate of having cancer, the incidence of cancer prevalence rate among women should never be overlooked. The most common types of cancers for women are breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer.

In the USA, there are 12,820 women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer. And there is estimation for the occurrence of 4,210 deaths by 2017. Cervical cancer is the cancer that transpires in the cervix. The cervix is the narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus that resembles a neck-like form. This is also the part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Risk factors for cervical cancer include the following: excessive smoking, HIV infection, multiple sexual partners, early sexual activity, and other sexually transmitted infections.

To know if a woman has cervical cancer, she has to determine the following symptoms:

1. Irregular/Excessive Vaginal Bleeding

cervical cancer bleeding

Bleeding is one of the most evident signs of cervical cancer. This usually occurs during menstrual period. However, bleeding does also occur after sex. One will notice that the blood can be misconstrued as spotting.

2. Vaginal Discharge

cervical cancer discharge

Vaginal discharge is the unusual discharge of foul-smelling, pale, bloody liquid. This incidence does not stop. Also, this may happen between periods, after sex, or after menopause. Scientifically speaking, vaginal discharge is preeminently caused by dead cells because of the lack of oxygen.

3. Pain in the Pelvis

cervical cancer pelvic

Although pelvic pain can be a manifestation for a lot of other diseases, this is more common in cervical cancer. If felt continuously, then the cancer has already spread across to the other tissues of the body. Pelvic pain does not occur unless the cancer is already on its advanced stage.

4. Pain in the Leg

cervical cancer leg pain

Another manifestation of cervical cancer is leg pain. This happens because of the pressing of the tumor in the pelvic wall which can result to continuous pain and swelling. Leg pain cannot sometimes be an evidence of cervical cancer unless other symptoms of cervical cancer have already occurred.

5. Back Pain

cervical cancer back pain

One of the characteristics of cancer (of any type) is that cancer cells spread not only to the infected area but also to the rest of the body. This can cause infection to these body parts. For cervical cancer, the cervix is the first that is infected and then the cells will spread even to the bones. Back pain is inevitable in cervical cancer because of the huge possibility that bones are infected with cancer cells. It is usually characterized with a searing pain at the back of the body at any given time.

6. Loss of Appetite and Eventual Weight Loss

cervical cancer loss appetite

Almost all of cervical cancer patients report loss of appetite in their quality of life. This is however a bodily response. Cancer creates cytokines which are small proteins. However, with cancer, the body produces too many cytokines that burn fat and protein than what is usual. With boosted metabolism, no matter how much food intake a cancer patient will take, weight loss can never be avoided, thus explaining the abrupt weight drop in cancer patients.

7. Fatigue

cervical cancer fatigue

Although fatigue can be naturally felt by a normal healthy person, this can be a symptom especially for cervical cancer patients in medication. Fatigue is defined as extreme body tiredness that does not go away even after sleep and rest. It is important to note that patients regardless of whatever cancer type she has experience this symptom even without undergoing a grueling work or a lack of sleep or rest. Fatigue can be paralyzing and can be continuously felt before, during, and after medication.

On the other hand, ovarian cancer is the type of cancer that shares almost the same symptoms just like the ones in cervical cancer. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are fatigue, bloating, constipation, excessive urinary urgency, pelvic and abdominal pain, etc.

As for pre-cervical cancer stages survival, one has to be wary of the repercussions of not doing what is prescribed/recommended by doctors. Cancer survival largely depends on various factors: type of cancer, personal condition of the patient, stage of cancer, and of course treatment.

While statistics and current trend do intimidate, the battle against cervical cancer can be won…in fact, this battle can even be prevented. Is cervical cancer curable nowadays? Yes it can be! With medical breakthroughs emerging from different parts of the world and constant research being made day by day, undoubtedly, women now can have the chance of avoiding cervical cancer and even win over it. However, these breakthroughs will not be effective without a massive awareness drive to all women around the globe. For women to avoid any risk of cervical cancer, the following are suggested: vaccination, routine Pap test (one of the tests for cervical cancer that determines potential pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix), safe sex, and total avoidance from smoking. Moreover, one has to be very careful in terms of her lifestyle engagements and activities.

Cervical cancer used to be the leading cause of death among women. However, it is now the easiest type of cancer to cure. If a woman (and a man) will only take good care and be mindful of her body, then everything could be prevented. The key is to listen and to be good with your body because anything that is done excessively will have its impact sooner than we think.

In this trying age, technology is going to be our biggest ally and that is what Liger Medical Global is for. Liger Medical Global known for its flagship campaign towards offering innovation for better women's health is focusing on giving the most cutting edge equipment and solutions for the eventual prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. Get to know the products that will help you and suit your lifestyle and personality. Liger Medical ensures that these available products are cost-effective, purposeful, and has been in accordance with the guidelines and recommendations from the World Health Organization.

Remember that good health is now within our hands.